Tuesday 1 December 2020


Hello Families!

We've moved onto a new math strand - Measurement.

We will be working on the following learning goals over the new couple of weeks:

I can explain the relationships between grams and kilograms as metric units of mass, and between litres and millilitres as metric units of capacity.

I can use benchmarks for these units to estimate mass and capacity.

I can use metric units to describe the relative size of different metric units, and choose appropriate units and tools to measure length, mass, and capacity.

I can solve problems involving elapsed time by applying the relationships between different units of time.

Here are some games students can play:

Telling Time Game  (Elapsed Time)

Elapsed Time Game

Measurement Game

Measuring Using a Ruler Game

Choose the correct unit game

Converting Metric Units Game

We will have a spelling test THIS FRIDAY Dec. 4th. The words are:

wait, plane, brief, face, pain, feed, late, claim, niece, name, leave, piece, meal, cheek

In language we are continuing to work on Narrative Writing. Students are working on BOLD beginnings and EXCELLENT endings.

Thursday 5 November 2020



Hello Parents/Guardians,

November interviews are coming up. Mme M and I will be doing interviews together. They are 10 minutes each and will be done virtually on Thursday November 12th. When booking an interview make sure you are on the correct date.

The link to book is below:

Interview Link


We have moved onto Geometry in math. The learning goals are:

I can identify geometric properties of rectangles including properties of rectangles including:

  • the number of right angles
  • parallel lines
  • perpendicular sides 
  • lines of symmetry.

I can identify acute, obtuse and right angles

All about Lines Video

Identifying Angles Video


Visualizing is the reading strategy for the month of November.

Narrative Writing is the next writing focus.

Monday 25 May 2020

Transition Words & Hamburger Paragraph Anchor Charts

Here is an anchor chart with various Transition words and phrases. The Hamburger Paragraph Anchor chart is below.

Monday 4 May 2020

Division in Parts

Why You Might Divide in Parts

Just as you sometimes decompose or break numbers apart to add,
subtract, or multiply, you might break numbers apart
to make division easier.

For example, to share 24 items into 4 groups, you could share the
first 12 items and then the other 12.

This is useful if you know 12 ÷ 4 but you do not know 24 ÷ 4.

How to Choose Parts

You should choose parts that you find easy to work with.

For example:

To divide 18 by 6, you might break 18 into 12 and 6 if you know
12 ÷ 6 and 6 ÷ 6.

To divide 35 ÷ 5, you might break 35 into 25 and 10 if you know
25 ÷ 5 and 10 ÷ 5.

Decomposing numbers (breaking numbers apart) is a
very effective way to develop fluency with multiplication
and division. When dividing, you can break the dividend
into parts additively, but you cannot break the divisor into parts.

decomposition: the process of separating a number
into parts; for example,
12 = 10 + 2   or   20 = 4 × 5

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Multiplication/Division Expectations

Our next unit in Math is Multiplication and Division.  We are starting with multiplication first.

You can practise on Xtramath.org - Login information is coming home today (Tuesday)

Some games:

Multiplication and Division Expectations

ü I can relate multiplication of 1-digit numbers to real-life situations

ü I can multiply up to 7 x 7 using a variety of mental strategies

ü I can divide to 49/7 using a variety of mental strategies

ü I can relate division of 1-digit numbers to real-life situations

Reminders: Thursday March 5th - school is closed
                   March break is March 16th - 20th : school is closed
                   FSL Pathway forms were due February 28th. Please send in ASAP if you haven't done so already.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

February News

We are now beginning our Area and Perimeter Unit.  The expectations for these measurement skills are as follows:
  •       estimate, measure, and record the perimeter of 2D shapes using standard units
  •       estimate, measure, and record area
  •       compare and order various shapes by area using congruent shapes and grid paper
  •       describe the relationship between the size of a unit of area and the number of units needed to cover a surface

We are working hard on our descriptive writing. Students are attempting to use similes as well as interesting adjectives. They are also working on having various sentence types in their writing.

Thursday February 13th - students are invited to wear Valentine colours as well as bring in Valentines for the class. We have 20 students.
Friday February 14th - PD Day - no school for students.

Wednesday 29 January 2020

Linear Measurement

We have now begun our unit on Measurement.  We will begin with Linear Measurement where the students must learn to do the following:
  • estimate, measure and record length, height, and distance using standard units (cm, m, km)
  • draw items using a ruler, given specific lengths in cm
  • compare standard units of length and select and justify the most appropriate unit to measure length
  • compare and order objects on the basis of linear measurements in cm and m (100 cm=1m)
Practise these skills at home by asking your child to estimate the length of an object in your home, and you give an estimate too.  After, measure it using a ruler or measuring tape and whoever is closest wins 10 points.  First person to 100 wins!  You can also choose an object and ask your child if they would measure that in cm or m.

Here is our anchor chart with benchmarks that you can review at home.