Monday 25 May 2020

Transition Words & Hamburger Paragraph Anchor Charts

Here is an anchor chart with various Transition words and phrases. The Hamburger Paragraph Anchor chart is below.

Monday 4 May 2020

Division in Parts

Why You Might Divide in Parts

Just as you sometimes decompose or break numbers apart to add,
subtract, or multiply, you might break numbers apart
to make division easier.

For example, to share 24 items into 4 groups, you could share the
first 12 items and then the other 12.

This is useful if you know 12 ÷ 4 but you do not know 24 ÷ 4.

How to Choose Parts

You should choose parts that you find easy to work with.

For example:

To divide 18 by 6, you might break 18 into 12 and 6 if you know
12 ÷ 6 and 6 ÷ 6.

To divide 35 ÷ 5, you might break 35 into 25 and 10 if you know
25 ÷ 5 and 10 ÷ 5.

Decomposing numbers (breaking numbers apart) is a
very effective way to develop fluency with multiplication
and division. When dividing, you can break the dividend
into parts additively, but you cannot break the divisor into parts.

decomposition: the process of separating a number
into parts; for example,
12 = 10 + 2   or   20 = 4 × 5