Our current focus in math in math is Place Value! Here are our learning goals for this unit:
I can count to 1000, including by 50s, 100s and 200s using a variety of tools
I can read, represent, compose and decompose, compare and order whole numbers up to 1000
I can round whole numbers to the nearest ten or hundred
I can use place value when describing and representing multi-digit numbers in a variety of ways, including with base ten materials
Try to help your child consolidate this learning at home by having them skip count while waiting for the light to change in the car, while waiting for their sibling to get dressed, and while waiting for commercials/ads to be over. When shopping and looking at prices, ask your child to round the dollar amounts to the nearest 10. When a number comes up in a book, on the television, or in an address, ask them to tell you which digit is in the 100's column, or 10's column, or 1's column and what it's value is.
Try out these online games to practice your skills:
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